Conmer BI

Real estate asset life cycle management tool

Manage your property assets with data

Conmer BI is a Business Intelligence solution that we have developed for real estate owners and investors: a Life Cycle Management tool for managing by information based on a real estate strategy. This tool provides an integrated, comprehensive overview of all aspects of the real estate life cycle management process, incorporating all important financial, operational and strategic information in a single system. The system is scalable, suiting the needs of large real estate portfolios and individual condominium housing companies alike.

Conmer BI supports:

  • comprehensive administration of real estate asset maintenance and management by information
  • timely, needs-based and goal-oriented repair and maintenance, both for individual sites and a property portfolio
  • the managed impact of planned repair measures on growth in the current technical value of a building, on repair debt, and on achievement of a target technical condition

All indicators in one place

Managing by information means closely monitoring and anticipating changes in real estate
finances, technology, construction and the environment. Conmer BI is an intelligent
solution that helps real estate owners and investors make rational decisions over the real
estate life cycle. The system provides the key figures for your real estate assets over an
entire real estate portfolio, and details of the following factors at portfolio and property

  • Development of technical condition level
  • Market values
  • Management of long-term repair costs
  • Carbon footprint impacts of the repair activities

We display regional data relevant to the operations of each client on a map to support
investments and project decisions, such as:

  • Population distribution and demographic projections
  • Traffic volumes and public transport
  • Location of services
  • Building and real estate information, and links to National Land Survey services
  • Ground conditions in an area

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